FiddlerCore and Brotli compression

Recently, a developer asked me how to enable Brotli content-compression support in FiddlerCore applications, so that APIs like oSession.GetResponseBodyAsString() work properly when the entity body has been compressed using brotli.

Right now, support requires two steps:

  1. Put brotli.exe (installed by Fiddler or off Github) into a Tools subfolder of the folder containing your application’s executable.
  2. Ensure that the Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments folder exists and contains a FiddlerCore subfolder (e.g. C:\users\username\documents\FiddlerCore).

Step #1 allows FiddlerCore to find brotli.exe. Alternatively, you can set the fiddler.config.path.Tools preference to override the folder.

Step #2 allows FiddlerCore to create necessary temporary files. Sadly, this folder cannot presently be overridden [Bug].

One day, Fiddler might not need brotli.exe any longer, as Brotli compression is making its way into the framework.



Published by ericlaw

Impatient optimist. Dad. Author/speaker. Created Fiddler & SlickRun. PM @ Microsoft 2001-2012, and 2018-, working on Office, IE, and Edge. Now a GPM for Microsoft Defender. My words are my own, I do not speak for any other entity.

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