Content-Types Matter More Than You Think

Every non-empty response from a web server should contain a Content-Type response header that declares the type of content contained in the response. This declaration helps the browser understand how to process the response and can help prevent a number of serious security vulnerabilities.

Setting this header properly is more important than ever.

The Old Days

Many years ago, an easy way to exploit a stored-XSS vulnerability on a web server that accepted file uploads was to simply upload a file containing a short HTML document with embedded JavaScript. You could then send potential victims a link to and when the victim’s browser rendered the document, it would find the JavaScript and run it in the security context of, allowing it to steal the contents of cookies and storage, reconfigure your account, rewrite pages, etc.

Sites caught on and started rejecting uploads that lacked the “magic bytes” indicating a JPEG/GIF/PNG at the start of the file. Unfortunately, browsers were so eager to render HTML that they would “sniff” the bytes of the file to see if they could find some HTML to render. Bad guys realized they could shove HTML+Script into metadata fields of the image binary, and the attack would still work. Ugh.

In later years, browsers got smarter and stopped sniffing HTML from files served with an image/ MIME type, and introduced a new response header:

  X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

…that declared that a browser should not attempt to sniff HTML from a document at all.

Use of the nosniff directive was soon expanded to help prevent responses from being interpreted as CSS or JavaScript, because clever attackers figured out that the complicated nature of Same Origin Policy meant that an attacking page could execute a cross-origin response and use side-effects (e.g. the exception thrown when trying to parse a HTML document as JavaScript) to read secrets out of that cross-origin response.

Browser makers have long dreamed of demanding that a response declare Content-Type: application/javascript in order for the response to be treated as JavaScript, but unfortunately telemetry tells us that this would break a non-trivial number of pages. So for now, it’s important to continue sending X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff on responses to mitigate this threat.

The Modern World

Chrome’s security sandbox helps ensure that a compromised (e.g. due to a bug in V8 or Blink) Renderer Process cannot steal or overwrite data on your device. However, until recently, a renderer compromise was inherently a UXSS vector, allowing data theft from every website your browser can reach.

Nearly a decade ago, Microsoft Research proposed a browser with stronger isolation between web origins, but as the Security lead for Internet Explorer, I thought it hopelessly impractical given the nature of the web. Fast forward to 2017, and Chrome’s Site Isolation project has shipped after a large number of engineer-years of effort.

Site Isolation allows the browser to isolate sites from one another in different processes, allowing the higher-privilege Browser Process to deny resources and permissions to low-privilege Renderers that should not have access. Sites that have been isolated are less vulnerable to renderer compromises, because the compromised renderer cannot load protected resources into its own process.

Isolation remains tricky because of complex nature of Same Origin Policy, which allows a cross-origin response to Execute without being directly Read. To execute a response (e.g. render an image, run a JavaScript, load a frame), the renderer process must itself be able to read that response, but it’s forced to rely upon its own code to prevent JavaScript from reading the bytes of that response. To address this, Chrome’s Site Isolation project hosts cross-origin frames inside different processes, and (crucially) rejects the loading of cross-origin documents into inappropriate contexts. For instance, the Browser process should not allow a JSON file (lacking CORS headers) to be loaded by an IMG tag in a cross-origin frame, because this scenario isn’t one that a legitimate site could ever use. By keeping cross-site data out of the (potentially compromised) renderer process, the impact of an arbitrary-memory-read vulnerability is blunted.

Of course, for this to work, sites must correctly mark their resources with the correct Content-Type response header and a X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff directive. (See the latest guidance on

When Site Isolation blocks a response, a notice is shown in the Developer Tools console:

Console Message: Blocked current origin from receiving cross-site document

The Very Modern World

You may have heard about the recent “speculative execution” attacks against modern processors, in which clever attackers are able to read memory to which they shouldn’t normally have access. A sufficiently clever attacker might be able to execute such an attack from JavaScript in the renderer and steal the memory from that process. Such an attack on the CPU’s behavior results in the same security impact as a renderer compromise, without the necessity of finding a bug in the Chrome code.

In a world where a malicious JavaScript can read any byte in the process memory, the renderer alone has no hope of enforcing “No Read” semantics. So we must rely upon the browser process to enforce isolation, and for that, browsers need the help of web developers.

You can read more about Chrome’s efforts to combat speculative execution attacks here.

Guidance: Serve Content Securely

If your site serves JSON or similar content that contains non-public data, it is absolutely crucial that you set a proper MIME type and declare that the content should not be sniffed. For example:

 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

Of course, you’ll also want to ensure that any Access-Control-Allow-Origin response headers are set appropriately (lest an attacker just steal your document through the front door!).


Thanks for your help in securing the web!


Published by ericlaw

Impatient optimist. Dad. Author/speaker. Created Fiddler & SlickRun. PM @ Microsoft 2001-2012, and 2018-, working on Office, IE, and Edge. Now a GPM for Microsoft Defender. My words are my own, I do not speak for any other entity.

One thought on “Content-Types Matter More Than You Think

  1. (Mostly unrelated) Any comments on the Origin-Signed HTTP Exchange making it’s way thru blink-dev recently. How does the implicit trust model work?

    later, Larry

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