App-to-Web Communication: Launching Web Apps

In recent posts, I’ve explored mechanisms to communicate from web content to local (native) apps, and I explained how web apps can use the HTML5 registerProtocolHandler API to allow launching them from either local apps or other websites.

In today’s post, we’ll explore how local apps can launch web apps in the browser.

It’s Simple…

In most cases, it’s trivial for an app to launch a web app and send data to it. The app simply invokes the operating system’s “launch” API and passes it the desired URL for the web app.

Any data to be communicated to the web app is passed in the URL query string or the fragment component of the URL.

On Windows, such an invocation might look like this:

ShellExecute(hwnd, "open", "", 0, 0, SW_SHOW);

Calling this API results in the user’s default browser being opened and a new tab navigated to the target URL.

This same simple approach works great on most operating systems and with virtually any browser a user might have configured as their default.

…Unless It’s Not

Unfortunately, this well-lit path adjoins a complexity cliff— if your scenario has requirements beyond the basic [Launch the default browser to this URL], things get much more challenging. The problem is that there is no API contract that provides a richer feature set and works across different browsers.

For instance, consider the case where you’d like your app to direct the browser to POST a form to a target server. Today, popular operating systems have no such concept– they know how to open a browser by passing it a URL, but they expose no API that says “Open the User’s browser to the following URL, sending the navigation request via the HTTP POST method and containing the following POST body data.

Over the years, a few workarounds have been used (e.g. see StackOverflow1 and StackOverflow2).

For instance, if the target webservice simply requires a HTTP POST and you cannot change it, your app could launch the browser to a webpage you control, passing the required data in the querystring component of a HTTP GET. Your web server could then reformat the data into the required POST body format and either proxy that request (server-side) to the target webservice, or it could return a web page with an auto-submitting form element with a method of POST and and action attribute pointed at the target webservice. The user’s browser will submit the form, posting the data to the target server.

Similarly, a more common approach involves having the app write a local HTML file in a temporary folder, then direct the Operating System to open that file using the appropriate API (again ShellExecute, in the case of Windows). Presuming that the user’s default HTML handler is also their default HTTPS protocol handler, opening the file will result in the default browser opening, and the HTML/script in the file will automatically submit the included form element to the target server. This “bounce through a local temporary form” approach has the advantage of making it possible to submit sizable of data to the server (e.g. the contents of a local file), unlike using a GET request’s size-limited querystring.


  • Unfortunately it is generally not possible to construct a HTML form that will submit a data field that exactly matches what you would get when sending an <input type=file> control. If the web service demands a format that was generated by a file upload control, you may not be able to emulate that.
  • Some browsers will not run JavaScript in local files by default.
  • Don’t forget to delete the temporary file!

If your scenario requires uploading files, an alternative approach is to:

  1. Upload the files directly from your app to a web service
  2. Have that web service return a secret token associated with the upload
  3. Have your app spawn a browser with a GET request whose querystring contains that secret token

Browser-Specific Approaches

Back in the Windows 7 days, the IE8 team created a very cool feature called Accelerators that would allow users to invoke web services in their browser from any other application. Interestingly, the API contract supported web services that required POST requests.

Because there was no API in Windows that supported launching the default browser with anything other than a URL, a different approach was needed. A browser that wished to participate as a handler for accelerators could implement a IOpenServiceActivityOutputContext::Navigate function which was expected to launch the browser and pass the data. The example implementation provided by our documentation called into Internet Explorer’s Navigate2() COM API, which accepted as a parameter the POST body to be sent in the navigation. As far as I know, no other browser ever implemented IOpenServiceActivityOutputContext.

These days, Accelerators are long dead, and no one should be using Internet Explorer anymore. In the intervening years, no browser-agnostic mechanism to transfer a POST request from an app to a browser has been created.

Perhaps the closest we’ve come is the W3C’s WebDriver Standard, designed for automated testing of websites across arbitrary browsers. Unfortunately, at present, there’s still no way for mainstream apps to take a dependency on WebDriver to deliver a reliable browser-agnostic solution enabling rich transfers from a local app to a web app. Similarly, Puppeteer can be used for some web automation scenarios in Chrome or Edge, and the new Microsoft Playwright enables automated testing in Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox.

Future Possibilities

While the current picture is bleak, the future is a bit brighter. That’s because a major goal of browsers’ investment in Progressive Web Apps is to make them rich enough to take the place of native apps. Today’s native apps have very rich mechanisms for passing data and files to one another and PWAs will need such capabilities in order to achieve their goals.

Perhaps one day, not too far in the future, your OS and your browser (regardless of vendor) will better interoperate.


Appendix: Related Problems

The problem described in this post (“How do I POST data to a URL from my App?”) has a cousin (“How do I send an email from my website or App using user’s email client with an attachment?“). The problem is similar: While you can trivially use a mailto: link to launch the mail client and set the recipient, subject, and body, there’s no standard that would allow you to specify any file attachments. So you’d have to use something like MAPI instead, but 1) few email clients support it, and 2) you can’t directly invoke MAPI from your webpage.

Published by ericlaw

Impatient optimist. Dad. Author/speaker. Created Fiddler & SlickRun. PM @ Microsoft 2001-2012, and 2018-, working on Office, IE, and Edge. Now a GPM for Microsoft Defender. My words are my own, I do not speak for any other entity.

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