Coding at Google

I wrote this a few years back, but I’ve had occasion to cite it yet again when explaining why engineering at Google was awesome. To avoid it getting eaten by the bitbucket, I’m publishing it here. Background: From January 2016 to May 2018, I was a Senior SWE on the Chrome Enamel Security team. GoogleContinue reading “Coding at Google”

Best Practice: Post-Mortems

I’ve written a bit about working at Google in the past. Google does a lot of things right, and other companies would benefit by following their example. At Google, one of the technical practices that I thought was both essential and very well done was the “post-mortem”– whenever they hit a significant problem, after puttingContinue reading “Best Practice: Post-Mortems”

Google Chrome–Two(ish) Years In

My first year (2016) on Chrome was both exciting and challenging. Beyond the expected firehose of new things to learn, and foreseen challenges (a second son!), there were unforeseen challenges, like working as a SWE instead of a Developer Advocate, and a long illness. Overall, my second year (2017) on Chrome was a bit smoother– IContinue reading “Google Chrome–Two(ish) Years In”

Google Internet Authority G3

For some time now, operating behind the scenes and going mostly unnoticed, Google has been changing the infrastructure used to provide HTTPS certificates for its sites and services. You’ll note that I said mostly. Over the last few months, I’ve periodically encountered complaints from users who try to load a Google site and get an unexpectedContinue reading “Google Internet Authority G3”

Working on Google Chrome – Year One

Four weeks ago, emailed notice of a free massage credit revealed that I’ve been at Google for a year. Time flies when you’re drinking from a firehose. When I mentioned my anniversary, friends and colleagues from other companies asked what I’ve learned while working on Chrome over the last year. This rambling post is anContinue reading “Working on Google Chrome – Year One”

Things I’ve Learned in my first weeks on Chrome

This is a stub post which will be updated periodically. It would be impossible to summarize how much I’ve learned in the last six weeks working at Google, but it’s easy to throw together some references to the most interesting and accessible things I’ve learned. So that’s this post. Developing Chrome Searching the code isContinue reading “Things I’ve Learned in my first weeks on Chrome”