Email Etiquette: Avoid BCC’ing large distribution lists

While Microsoft corporate culture has evolved over the years, and the last twenty years have seen the introduction of new mass communication mechanisms like Yammer and Teams, we remain an email heavy company. Many product teams have related “Selfhost” or “Discussions” aliases (aka “Discussion Lists” or DLs) to which thousands of employees subscribe so theyContinue reading “Email Etiquette: Avoid BCC’ing large distribution lists”

Fiddler Web Debugger Turns 20

Twenty years ago (!!?!) was the first official release of Fiddler. I still run Fiddler for some task or another almost every working day. I still run my version (Fiddler Classic) although some of the newer tools in the Fiddler Universe are compelling for non-Windows platforms. I presented some slides in a birthday celebration thatContinue reading “Fiddler Web Debugger Turns 20”

My Next Opportunity

This is the farewell email I sent to my Edge teammates yesterday. IWebBrowser3::BeforeNavigate() When I left the Internet Explorer team in 2012 to work on Fiddler full-time, I did so with a measure of heartbreak, absolutely certain that I would never be quite as good at anything else. When I came back to the EdgeContinue reading “My Next Opportunity”

Retiring Internet Explorer

Prelude In late 2004, I was the Program Manager for Microsoft’s clipart website, delivering a million pieces of clipart to Microsoft Office customers every day. It was great fun. But there was a problem– our “Clip of the Day” feature, meant to spotlight a new and topical piece of clipart every day, wasn’t changing asContinue reading “Retiring Internet Explorer”

Web Developers and Footguns

If you offer web developers footguns, you’d better staff up your local trauma department. In a prior life, I wrote a lot about Same-Origin-Policy, including the basic DENY-READ principle that means that script running in the context of origin cannot read content from When we built the (ill-fated) XDomainRequest object in IE8, weContinue reading “Web Developers and Footguns”

Extended Validation Certificates – The Introduction

In 2005, one of my first projects on the Internet Explorer team was improving the user-experience for HTTPS sites (“SSLUX”). Our first task was to change the certificate error experience from the confusing and misleading modal dialog box: … to something that more clearly conveyed the risk and which more clearly discouraged users from acceptingContinue reading “Extended Validation Certificates – The Introduction”

Book-Writing: Just Do It!

Sadly, you’re unlikely to get wealthy by writing a book. You should definitely write one anyway. My Background People I respect suggest you shouldn’t write (or buy) books on specific technologies, going so far as to say that writing a book was on their top-10 lists of life regrets. Top-10… whoa! As a consequence, whenContinue reading “Book-Writing: Just Do It!”

Duct Tape and Baling Wire–Cookie Prefixes

Update: Cookie Prefixes are supported by Chrome 49, Opera 36, and Firefox 50. Test page; no status from the Edge team.  A new cookie feature called SameSite Cookies has been shipped by Chrome, Firefox and Edge; it addresses slightly different threats. When I worked on Internet Explorer, we were severely constrained on development resources. WhileContinue reading “Duct Tape and Baling Wire–Cookie Prefixes”